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Web and Graphic Designers

Web and Graphic Designers
G and W-design
Although, Web and graphic designers use creativity to communicate! But:

Web design is a dynamic medium:
Comparing web design and graphic design is like comparing an iPad to a painting. Both display beautiful visuals, but one is interactive and the other will get you to another page if you touch it.

Web designers are concerned with load times and file sizes:
The only time graphic designers might care about file size is when they’re trying to fit that huge promotional banner into a page.

Web designers have typography hurdles to jump:
And applications like Adobe Type-kit and Google Fonts give web designers a broader typography palette to get creative with.

Web designers think about the broad application of their design:
Good, thoughtful web designers strip a design down to its essential elements for consistent user experience.

Web designers are ongoing caregivers:
While a graphic designer focuses on creativity, a web designer is concerned with how all parts of a design function together as a system.

Web designers have an ongoing relationship with an audience:
Part of a web designer’s job is to look at the analytics and think about actions they can take to improve the numbers. Bounce rates, keyword referrals, and popular content are just some of the data a web designer can use to figure out what’s working and what isn’t.