08 01, 15 | 08:20 Filed in: Social Media
The importance of FaceBook Ads

It seems that organic reach for your business page on Facebook, otherwise known as reaching your Facebook fans without the use of payment, is on a steady decline. On average, organic reach has decreased so much, that it’s now at a 1-2% rate which your fans are likely to see your organic content. This means that if you have 1,000 Facebook page fans for your small business, only ten to twenty of them will see what you are posting about. With this in mind, is it still worth it for your small business to use Facebook as part of its online marketing strategy? Facebook assures that the fans you currently have do matter, specifically when you’re planning on spending money to reach them.
By spending your marketing budget on Facebook advertisements, you are able to reach beyond your current audience and gain new followers, which isn’t easy to do organically. In comparison with traditional marketing media methods, and even other online media methods, Facebook ads is more affordable and more targetable. With Facebook ads, you can spend as little as twenty-five cents to reach 1000 people, whereas it would cost you roughly $32 to do the same in a day through a newspaper.
Brian Carter, Marketer at The Carter Group, mentions that “If you just spend $1 per day on Facebook ads, you will get in front of 4,000 people that wouldn’t have seen you otherwise. If you are doing that and your competitors aren’t, you win the awareness game in your niche.” He also mentions that although many companies are receiving a positive ROI with their Facebook ads, there are also many that are doing it poorly without strategy.
If you decide to go forward with Facebook ads for your small business, it’s essential to take the time or hire someone to create a viable plan for you. Through very targeted ads, excellent content, and a minimal budget to spend, small businesses can reach their current fans and grow their Facebook fan base. If you are unsure what kind of Facebook ads to try, or need help creating a plan for your Facebook ads, Design Your Way can help. Specializing in online marketing in addition to SEO and web design, Design Your Way will be able to create a Facebook advertising plan that’s unique to and effective for your small business.